Friday, August 28, 2020

Feminist in India


It's my new subject, I think different views is must essential for different aim. Different views have two sides one is positive & a negative. I write here positive but different views. My new subject is FEMINIST.

      Every great Woman was backbone to certain great men. Thousands of women was example from ancient times in India but mostly this women was not put up in history with honesty or put up with very unclear or unusual. 

     Why from ancient time women's were back side ? 

     Many more facts are & were responsible for women's un-justice in society. Thousands of time trying to end of such inhamnity by great men's & women's but still now women not get purely justice in society. Why women not get justice? That's answers wishes means feminist. Feminist & Females psychology are not coming to close from each other and that's it's main root for un justice. But we all responsible for that because we not trying to find out of answer to question of feminist. I trying to explain to feminist and women position. And trying to find answer to justice feminist.

 Mostly Religion was created by male only & male Dominant Society was a production of this fact.  - 

This point is more effective & responsible to make or create dominant male society directly or indirectly. Religion is mostly not directly liable to create Dominant males society but religious activities are indirectly liable to male's dominate society. Like marriage, funeral ceremony, Anything special Religious programs are put up throughout by only male's hands. No any women focused in that program. But women's also not serious about such un-justified facts, so women's psychology not trying to Justice.

     Why our society not ready to seeing women in form of Religious Principles or superior in religious activities. ?

1) Religion is long time effective methods upon humanity and humanity are not exams to religious rules. - 

 All are known that about, exams religious rules means a very big mistake as per dominant person of Religion, but as per requirement of society, or request by victim in society  is always respectful. But dominant Religious person's not agreed to such justifiable views.

2) Culture was originated by Religion, & Religion mostly are against to feminist, not against females . - 

In this sub title, females and feminist  concepts want to examine in sharp.

I explain in detail as next blog....

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