Monday, August 24, 2020

Ancient Women's life - 5 (Raziya Sultana)

From my last blog,

I write here about special Women Emperor Warrior & about her great thinking. 

Razia Sultan - 

   The Great Sultana, Emperor, Frist & last women Queen upon Delhi Kingdom this was Raziya Sultana. They was very smart, But males domain society were harmful to her. Raziya Sultana is always immortal illustration for all justify society.

Video of YouTube link follow for details of Raziya Sultana -

Raziya Sultana was great Emperor but view of society is malicious about her nature and conduct, many films, TV serial also showing Raziya Sultana was great but she moved from our duties and involved in extra relationship with friend shown but this was not true. I think it's unjustified planning by Males dominant society.

As per silence of women male's Dominant society was trying to express unbalanced to male & females, so it's essential to change this psychology.

 We all want to find out why this contravertial consept put in from ancient times of India

    When we talk about women rulers of India or historical queens of India, Razia Sultan's name comes to mind. She was the first and only female ruler of India to have ruled the Delhi Sultanate. As a young child, she would observe her farther, Sultan lltutmish at court dispensing justice and administrating the empire. Iltutmish too thought that it would be beneficial to train her to rule in case of her father's absence.

     She showed a keen mind for politics and in learning to fight. A favourite of her father lltutmish, she proved to be the most capable of all of his progeny. Still, tradition dictated that a male heir be chosen. 

 However the chosen heir Nasiruddin Mahmud, Iltutmish's eldest son, met an untimely death leaving the Sultan in a quandary. When he marched onto Gwalior with the intention of capturing it, Razia proved her mettle, helped by the Sultan's trusted advisor. Despite being named the heir, when Iltutmish died, her brother Rukn-ud- din Firuz was raised to the throne instead. With his mother calling all the shots, Rukn gave himself to decadent pleasures and debauchery. He and his mother, Shah Turkaan, were promptly assassinated after six months of a rule in which they were said to have been very cruel to their subjects. Razia Sultan was then reluctantly raised as the monarch. She was a wise and just ruler, often mingling with her subjects to understand them better. She encouraged the preservation and protection of Hindu cultures. Her lover, Altunia, was made the governor of Bathinda for his loyal service. But while he was there, sly rival nobles spread rumours that she and her consort, the governor of Bathinda, were assassinated when they led troops to Delhi to win back her kingdom from Bahram Shah who had seized the throne in her absence. Her star shone brightly till her brother assassinated her to assume the throne. Bahram's reign was full of strife and he was killed two years later by his own army. 

Raziya Sultan - 

 will always be known as an important woman ruler of medieval & ancient India. She was immortalized in the historical world, 

Raziya Sultan  that charts the rise of the first female ruler of India to ever rule the Delhi Sultanate.

About Such great warrior much more controversial issues are intentionally put in society because females always leave back in comparison to males its wishes to certain groups, this ideology want to correct .

Thanking you.

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