Sunday, August 16, 2020

Indian Culture & Women - 3

From my last blog....

Hello my friend, 

I explain now about ancient litterateur they are more effective to managed image of women in society.

In India, many religions and cultures are exist but in ordinary all litterateur of all religions are not truly give justice to women, so much more issues & problem's are existing in India to women.

a) No main role in ancient books -

  Much more books available but at ancient period  no main role provide to women in any litterateur by any religion, by any author. Because writings right was mostly only in male hands, As this reason also women going to back side from past time.

 Ex. - Quran, Ramayan etc.

b) Religion created by males hands

 This fact also directly or indirectly more empact to women's role in religious activities as well as in society. But this fact mostly untold by media or any other modes. Because now also, mostly higher authority is covered by male person's. So female were & are, indirectly going to back foot. Males not doing intentionally against female but this are make anciently habits.

It's very special & serious view but not valuable to flow of generation.

But now women's also make strong from education, & through constitutional rights in India. But still also target is very very long for women's to achieve equality.

 India is, was & always good but for every good things have important to self study & such re-study is want to essential for women's stability & dignity.

We all Frist & last also Indian....

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