Thursday, August 20, 2020

Ancient Women's life - 2 (Sita Devi)

 From last blog...

Dear friends.

I am discuss with you about more special subject but this subject are mostly hide from ancient times. Many author tried to express about women's justice but don't succeed they.

  c) Queen Sita Devi & Tow Son's -

In problamatical life Devi gave birth to two beautiful son's. One great Queen without any special reason spend harmful life in forest. What wrong with beautiful baby's. ? IS trying to find such answer but don't get. Can Devi & her's baby get justice. ?

  d) Immoral Accuses -

 In ancient books express about Immoral Accuses against Sita Devi & general people's also known about that. This accuses was more harmful to any women & Sita Devi was a Queen but face to such immoral accuses. It's also very un-justify. 

 e) What's duties of Husband ? -

 It's very important for justice to wife because every woman have right to express self defence as per requirement. But Sita Devi was not able to express self defence as per ancient culture. In other words Sita Devi not get truly justice to own life.

f) What get Devi from Marital life ? 

 Sita Devi was living with husband Sri.Ram in forest total 14 years and future also indipendently Devi passed all life in forest as per order of husband. 

g) Justice to Sita Devi -

   All life was fully problematic and last also not good. From ancient time to now in current time, no any one worried about Devi's problem why ? Because Male's dominant society is more possible for un-justice.

My Finding - 

 I think new genration is always accept to equality and justice to women also but certain people now also tried to make male dominant society. I have intention to equality & Justice to Women only. 

I will meet you in next blog with second great women's life for justice to her. 

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