Saturday, August 8, 2020

Hidden Camera 2


 From last page ......

2) Religion is God's made or

    Man made issue

      As for above subject many more philosophy are existing in world every philosophy is have own shadow So we generally faith upon our religion rules as for getting answer about God's & religion relationship. But such platform is not purely express it. Because when we to any one about her own house or families he mostly saying good faith about self family or about house.

      We clearly understood no one talk guilty about self or our family then in other side growing compitition to who's family? Who's relationship ? & Who's community or religion is. Good, great, or world's No. 1 as per sach traffic, compitition in all world Frist creat background & and after getting benifit, certain groups of people was create religion. ....

A) Why religion is not made by  the God or creaters ?..

    We all know, about human evolution starting process as per science rules and our human discretion sence also it's 99% is truth but remains  1% chance going to certain groups of people those create imagination, logical, facts and as about this fact & certain groups skills of playing psychological games to imotional minded people & get aim of established certain religion with own rules. And after time such rules declared by this skilled people's , this religion's rules are made by God .

    If religion was made by unknown power then -

a) Why religion's are unequal?

b) Why every religion is saying about  own merit & others demerits ?

c) Why all religion following 

    Self God's rules not ?

d) If all world is created by God then why God is divided into society .

      If anyone give me answer those above mentioned , I will trust upon religion was made by unknown power or God. But it's not possible we all know that.


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