Friday, August 7, 2020

Hidden Camera - 1

Possibility Reality ......

My Synonyms as per subject-

1) God & Producers is

 defferent or both one ?

2) Religion is God's made or

    Man made issue ?

3) Science is healthy or unhealthy to human physiology .

4) Human caste can immortal ?


 I am Advocate Bhore, I again came to meet you all for expressing my self with my 1st subject is possibilities & reality as connection to human society. As explained one by one with above synonyms -

1) God & Producer is different or one Concept -

 We humans coming upon the earth or humans evaluation is star from stonage agreed all but not agreed about source of birth & growth of society because in between such agreed or not agreed same people get chance of putting any story before society, So as per nature and geographical area & scope of such putting story was created defferent people & defferent story as per area or country .

 When we asking questions to self ? Who is Producer of our earth ? Who is Producer of all living things ? & Why  is all production & deduction of such creation. Then we find our human thinking is smaller than such Big Creation & about creaters also. And it's the real seed of making defference between God & Creaters or Producer of creation. 

 Two types of human thinking one is with Concept of God & other is with Concept of Producer. Let's talk one by one 

A) With Concept of God mode -

        Such groups of people are more emotional & agressive also about God facts, such tendancy is good faith to certain community and group of humanity. Like example - if any one  falling in love that time we all know that such person was going far away from reality or present tense. And that fact is good time to putting seed under soft land of mind. 

B) With Concept of Producer -

         Such groups of people are more practical & attached with before facts not believe upon imagination or saying anything story by any group of people. But such groups of people believe to Producer because  production- deduction  are present & no one asking questions about it's.

.... Counting next....

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