Friday, August 28, 2020

Feminist in India


It's my new subject, I think different views is must essential for different aim. Different views have two sides one is positive & a negative. I write here positive but different views. My new subject is FEMINIST.

      Every great Woman was backbone to certain great men. Thousands of women was example from ancient times in India but mostly this women was not put up in history with honesty or put up with very unclear or unusual. 

     Why from ancient time women's were back side ? 

     Many more facts are & were responsible for women's un-justice in society. Thousands of time trying to end of such inhamnity by great men's & women's but still now women not get purely justice in society. Why women not get justice? That's answers wishes means feminist. Feminist & Females psychology are not coming to close from each other and that's it's main root for un justice. But we all responsible for that because we not trying to find out of answer to question of feminist. I trying to explain to feminist and women position. And trying to find answer to justice feminist.

 Mostly Religion was created by male only & male Dominant Society was a production of this fact.  - 

This point is more effective & responsible to make or create dominant male society directly or indirectly. Religion is mostly not directly liable to create Dominant males society but religious activities are indirectly liable to male's dominate society. Like marriage, funeral ceremony, Anything special Religious programs are put up throughout by only male's hands. No any women focused in that program. But women's also not serious about such un-justified facts, so women's psychology not trying to Justice.

     Why our society not ready to seeing women in form of Religious Principles or superior in religious activities. ?

1) Religion is long time effective methods upon humanity and humanity are not exams to religious rules. - 

 All are known that about, exams religious rules means a very big mistake as per dominant person of Religion, but as per requirement of society, or request by victim in society  is always respectful. But dominant Religious person's not agreed to such justifiable views.

2) Culture was originated by Religion, & Religion mostly are against to feminist, not against females . - 

In this sub title, females and feminist  concepts want to examine in sharp.

I explain in detail as next blog....

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Ancient Women's life - 6 (Savitribai Fule)

 Mother's of Women's Education -

Savitribai Jotirao Phule 

( First Women Teacher ) -

          Great Savitribai Phule was the first female teacher of India. She had a great love for learning as a child and her 12- year-old husband Jyotirao was inspired to teach her to read and write in a time when women were not allowed to study. 

          In 1948, Jyotirao started a school for girls and the 17-year-old Savitri found her calling as a teacher. The couple was often pelted with mud, shit and stones for committing the sin of empowering women but they never let it deter them from their path.

          Savitribai  Phule who started the first girls’ school in India, faced many of the same challenges that Indian feminists do even today. It’s time to look at how tough her journey was.

        Jan 1, 1848 Savitribai Phule and Fatima Begum set up the first Indian girls school in Bhide Wada, Pune.

       It was the start of a new era when it came to girls’ education. The fact that the first girls school was started by two women tells us that these women had the grit and determination to think beyond their times and also put it into action. We can write a thousand words praising their efforts but what we must ask is this: was their journey a easy one?

Did they not face challenges, criticism and even threats against their endeavour? How many people actually came forward to support them or were they mocked for doing something against the culture of that time? How many times were they reminded that the education of girls is not very important especially under the British rule and that Indians should rather unitedly focus on fighting the bigger evil? Were they called British stooges working to destroy our culture by diverting attention to ‘small and irrelevant’ issues? Where they reminded about their ‘misplaced priorities’, to focus on running the house and taking care of children?

People used to throw dirt and mud on Savitribai, so she always kept an extra saree in her bag when she went to teach girls.

This was how they were treated when they started out. The very idea that girls needed a school must have been scandalous. It is important to be noted that she was encouraged and supported by her husband Jyoti Rao Phule who himself was a reformer. Jyoti Rao Phule first taught his young wife to read and write, and later helped her start the first girls school. Encouraged by her husband she ventured out with her friend Fatima Begum but their journey was not an easy one.

Every step had challenges 

And opppsition by the very people they were trying to help. They were isolated, mocked and called names. The situation worsened after the couple were felicitated by the colonial government of Bombay presidency in 1850. They were seen as working under the guidance of the colonial government, trying to destroy the culture of the native people. All the criticism and opposition only made them more committed to the cause and both the ladies continued their mission regardless of all the negativity .

Aren’t feminists and social activists today facing similar challenges? Aren’t they told to focus on ‘more important’ issues.

 In other words to focus only on things approved by men/society and not to venture into new territory? Inspite of all advancements women still face the same restrictions, still have to ‘stay within limits’.

How dare they ask for entry into religious place of worship? Shouldn’t they be focusing on education of girls? As if in all these years the society was sleeping and only remembers the need for girls’ education now. Why can’t change happen in all fields simultaneously? Why wait for one task to be accomplished until we venture into another?

      More importantly, how much have we progressed as a society when it comes to women ‘s issue or are we still stuck in a time wrap using culture and faith as an excuse?

My Conclusion - 

If society understand to single woman also then our society truly take new birth from ancient, inhuman thinking.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Ancient Women's life - 5 (Raziya Sultana)

From my last blog,

I write here about special Women Emperor Warrior & about her great thinking. 

Razia Sultan - 

   The Great Sultana, Emperor, Frist & last women Queen upon Delhi Kingdom this was Raziya Sultana. They was very smart, But males domain society were harmful to her. Raziya Sultana is always immortal illustration for all justify society.

Video of YouTube link follow for details of Raziya Sultana -

Raziya Sultana was great Emperor but view of society is malicious about her nature and conduct, many films, TV serial also showing Raziya Sultana was great but she moved from our duties and involved in extra relationship with friend shown but this was not true. I think it's unjustified planning by Males dominant society.

As per silence of women male's Dominant society was trying to express unbalanced to male & females, so it's essential to change this psychology.

 We all want to find out why this contravertial consept put in from ancient times of India

    When we talk about women rulers of India or historical queens of India, Razia Sultan's name comes to mind. She was the first and only female ruler of India to have ruled the Delhi Sultanate. As a young child, she would observe her farther, Sultan lltutmish at court dispensing justice and administrating the empire. Iltutmish too thought that it would be beneficial to train her to rule in case of her father's absence.

     She showed a keen mind for politics and in learning to fight. A favourite of her father lltutmish, she proved to be the most capable of all of his progeny. Still, tradition dictated that a male heir be chosen. 

 However the chosen heir Nasiruddin Mahmud, Iltutmish's eldest son, met an untimely death leaving the Sultan in a quandary. When he marched onto Gwalior with the intention of capturing it, Razia proved her mettle, helped by the Sultan's trusted advisor. Despite being named the heir, when Iltutmish died, her brother Rukn-ud- din Firuz was raised to the throne instead. With his mother calling all the shots, Rukn gave himself to decadent pleasures and debauchery. He and his mother, Shah Turkaan, were promptly assassinated after six months of a rule in which they were said to have been very cruel to their subjects. Razia Sultan was then reluctantly raised as the monarch. She was a wise and just ruler, often mingling with her subjects to understand them better. She encouraged the preservation and protection of Hindu cultures. Her lover, Altunia, was made the governor of Bathinda for his loyal service. But while he was there, sly rival nobles spread rumours that she and her consort, the governor of Bathinda, were assassinated when they led troops to Delhi to win back her kingdom from Bahram Shah who had seized the throne in her absence. Her star shone brightly till her brother assassinated her to assume the throne. Bahram's reign was full of strife and he was killed two years later by his own army. 

Raziya Sultan - 

 will always be known as an important woman ruler of medieval & ancient India. She was immortalized in the historical world, 

Raziya Sultan  that charts the rise of the first female ruler of India to ever rule the Delhi Sultanate.

About Such great warrior much more controversial issues are intentionally put in society because females always leave back in comparison to males its wishes to certain groups, this ideology want to correct .

Thanking you.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Ancient Women's life -4 (Dropadi)

From last blog...
In my last blog I explain my sub-points so here I write one by one this points -

1)  Polandry Marriage - 
 Generally older People's tell about Dropadi 'She was want to multi-talented person for marriage', so she accepts proposal of Pandav for Polandry Marriage.In certain books said about Draupadi marriage, Arjun was  (Pandav) won her.
   But in as per reality, Polandry Marriage was a part of ancient culture. Because, In modern law's syllabus also express about Dropadi & Polandry Marriage practice.
  It' was very harmful act to women. women was mentally and physically (sex) also shared into more than one male or Husband's. 

2) Rights & Duties of Dropadi
 Can imagine that ? What rights & duties of Dropadi or under Polandry Marriage to wife.
 Husband's satisfaction was rights & duties of wife. It means slavery of women. She don't have any rights, male dominant society imposed only duties upon women's.

3) Dropadi was put into Gambling as like property. -
 Dropadi was highly torched in Gambling play because Pandav was used Dropadi as like property to gambling. No any husband was stopped her insult by others. 
    Can anyone in society have agreed & forced to self wife putting for gambling, In general  & humanity view ? Not it's possible. It's inhuman act. But Draupadi was not saved by such inhumanity

4) Physically & Mentally Torture -
Five brothers was husband & Draupadi was one wife, it unbalance ancient society culture was totally harassing to females.
    How can we say Dropadi was one happy wife as to marrital life, but this fack ideology putting upon new generation.

5) Queen & Marrital life
 One King and One Queen is equal as per justifiable views but this justice not in India still now also.
   Draupadi was a Queen but she not get justice to self to end of life. After marriage every woman see dreams about happy married life but Draupadi was not able for such dreams.

6) Duties & Rights of Husband's -
      Five Husband's but no any one against for gambled of wife. its totally inhuman to any women. What is rights & duties of husband ? As per Hindu religion, general know that protection of wife is primarily duty & rights also but both was not exist in Pandav.

7) Justice of Life -
  As per above my explanation knowing that about not get justice to Dropadi & her life also, but possible to give justice to Dropadi, if yes then give respect to women in society because it's truly like justice to Dropadi & to her life. It's only my options.

I meet you with another great Women personality with her fight against dominant male society.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Ancient Women's life - 3 (Dropadi)

My Dear friends..

Today I share my knowledge about one famous Queen Dropadi (Panchali) with refference of Mahabharata Religious Books. Devi Dropadi is more critical & more informative personality in new society.


Devi Dropadi was a wife of Pandav, Pandav means group of five brothers as per ancient litterateur. This was ancient marriage type called a Polandry Marriage. Can you imagine ? Dropati's personal marrital life under one shelter.

In ancient India more rules was against of women's, As well as women was not right to express self.

Following link express about women's justice in society, please see with click

Fearless and courageous

 Draupadi was a fearless woman who was rarely seen among the women of ancient times.When he was insulted, he demanded justice directly from Dhritarashtra, the king of Hastinapur. Again, when she was disguised as a sarandhri, when she was insulted by King Virat's brother-in-law Keechak, she demanded justice directly from King Virat.He even openly condemned great warriors like Bhishma, Drona, Kripacharya and their husbands as they could not save him from being humiliated during the rip-off.

Now I explain personal life of Devi Dropadi was Queen but also her life was fully problematic, as  explained following points -

1) Marriage of Polandry -

2) Rights & Duties of Dropati's -

3) Gambling to Play as Dropati type of Property 

4) Physical & Mentally Torture -

5) Queen & Marrital life -

6) Duties & Rights of Husband's -

7) Justice of Life -

It's certain important issues of Devi Dropadi they all explain one by one in my next blog....

विचार आणि काव्य

माझ्या सर्व मित्रांना नमस्कार..

हा माझा पहिलाच मराठी ब्लॉग आहे. माझी मातृभाषा मराठी असल्याने माझे मराठीवर जास्त प्रेम आहे आणि त्या प्रेमातून, मला माझे 'काव्य आणि विचार' या विषया द्वारे ब्लॉग सादर करीत आहे.

      सदरचा ब्लॉग हा मुख्यत्वे काव्य सादर करण्यासाठी आहे. परंतु जर काव्यासोबत विचारही मांडता आले तर माझ्यामते नाते जुळून येण्यास जास्त मदत होईल. सध्याचा काळ म्हणजे आपण कोणीही यापूर्वी न-अनुभवलेला असाच आहे. कोरोना आणि लॉक-डावून हे एक अभुतपुर्व भयंकर जग आपण सर्व अनुभवत आहे असो ! मला खूप काही बोलायचे मांडायचे आहे परंतु क्रमवार आपण भेटत जाऊ आणि परस्पर संबंध नाते वाढवत जाऊ.

     माझे बरेच लेखन प्रकाशनाची वाट पाहून पाहून मावळतीला लालसर रंग घेऊन घरातील कपाटात पडून कासावीस होत होते, आणि अश्यातच मला माझ्या एका मित्राने ब्लॉग लेखनाचा मार्ग सुचवला म्हणून मनाचे बहुतेक ओझे कमी झाले आहे कारण मला आता तुम्हाला, माझ्या वाचकांना भेटण्यासाठी प्रतीक्षा करावी लागणार नाही. म्हणून मी खूप खुश आहे.

     आज आपला देश खूपच मोठ्या संकटातून मार्ग काढत आहे या देशवासियांना मानवंदना देऊन माझे पाहिले काव्य मांडत आहे.

   ****   राजकारण.......

माणुसकीला आज शोधायचे आहे

अंधाराला थोडेसे जोखायचे आहे

उपासमारीने लोक रस्त्यावर तडफडत होते आणि

सरकारी कागदपत्रे अन्नपूरणाचे बॉम्ब फोडत होते.

लोक रोजगार म्हणाले तर ते मेट्रो-बुलेट वर वेळ काढतात !

लोक महागाई म्हणाले तर ते इंटरनेट फ्री वर जोर देतात !

लोक औषध-उपचार विचारले तर ते धर्माचा प्रसार करतात !

लोक सैन्याच्या बलिदानाचे विचारतात तर ते मोबाईल अँप उद्धवस्त करतात !

मी सत्ता-धार्यांना प्रश्न केला तर मी

विरोधी पक्षाचा होतो !

मी उत्तर मागितले तर 

आतंकवादी, देशद्रोही होतो !

त्यांच्या भक्तांचा लडिवाळ नजरेत

मी सर्वसामान्य ! असूनही गुन्हेगार होतो .....

For online earning with simple steps

मराठी कविता


ते अल्ला म्हणतात, हे ईश्वर म्हणतात,

मी नक्की कोण आहे?

पूर्वी हिंदू आणि मुस्लिम म्हणून लोकांनी

माझी वाटणी केली,

दंगलीत नेत्यांनी राम-रहीम म्हणून

सरे आम छाटणी केली,

कधी मंदिर जिंकले म्हणून जल्लोष होतो

कधी मस्जिद पुढे जयघोष होतो.

हे ना ते जिंकतात प्रत्येक वेळी

पण मीच नेहमी हारत जातो.

कधी धार्मिक होऊन माखतो मी

कधी मार्मिक होऊन सांडतो मी

देव - अल्ला म्हणणारे 

माझ्याच दैवी पणाला कलंकित करतात.

कधी कुठे का ? माणुसकी विना परमात्मा शोधतात,

ते अजून मला त्यांच्याच निर्मितीत शोधत असतात.

कधी मंदिर? कधी मस्जिद ? कधी चर्च ? तर कधी गुरुद्वारा ? 

पण कधीच माझ्या निर्मितीतील ते स्वत्व पाहत नाहीत, ते कधी अस्तित्वातील सत्य शोधत नाहीत.

कधी प्रेमाला प्रेम आणि भावनेला संवेदना देत नाहीत.

तर मी या अंध भक्तांना कसा दिसेना?

मी कान कानात असतो !

मी जना मनात वसतो ! 

माणुसकी शिवाय मी कधीच कोठेच वावरत नसतो .


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Ancient Women's life - 2 (Sita Devi)

 From last blog...

Dear friends.

I am discuss with you about more special subject but this subject are mostly hide from ancient times. Many author tried to express about women's justice but don't succeed they.

  c) Queen Sita Devi & Tow Son's -

In problamatical life Devi gave birth to two beautiful son's. One great Queen without any special reason spend harmful life in forest. What wrong with beautiful baby's. ? IS trying to find such answer but don't get. Can Devi & her's baby get justice. ?

  d) Immoral Accuses -

 In ancient books express about Immoral Accuses against Sita Devi & general people's also known about that. This accuses was more harmful to any women & Sita Devi was a Queen but face to such immoral accuses. It's also very un-justify. 

 e) What's duties of Husband ? -

 It's very important for justice to wife because every woman have right to express self defence as per requirement. But Sita Devi was not able to express self defence as per ancient culture. In other words Sita Devi not get truly justice to own life.

f) What get Devi from Marital life ? 

 Sita Devi was living with husband Sri.Ram in forest total 14 years and future also indipendently Devi passed all life in forest as per order of husband. 

g) Justice to Sita Devi -

   All life was fully problematic and last also not good. From ancient time to now in current time, no any one worried about Devi's problem why ? Because Male's dominant society is more possible for un-justice.

My Finding - 

 I think new genration is always accept to equality and justice to women also but certain people now also tried to make male dominant society. I have intention to equality & Justice to Women only. 

I will meet you in next blog with second great women's life for justice to her. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Ancient Women's Life - 1(Sita Devi)

 Dear friends... From last blog

I explain my subject with certain important issues they are explain as following -

a) Enforcement to forest journey to     end Life (Type of Punishment)

    All Hindus Religious people's know about Sati Devi & her punishment, but such forest journey is type of punishment this is not generally known. Because it's not essential & useful for Ramayan & Males dominant society. But such punishment why enforce to only Sita Devi.? In ancient India forest journey was very dengerus because no any law or protection provide to people's & for women's forest was more hard for live & save the life. But Sita Devi was living in own pregnancy period.  Delivery period always very sensitive to females & after care of children was more hard to single women. Imagination also very critical for Sita Devi & her condition.

b) Why pregnancy period not valuable to husband or others - 

   This point very important for Sita Devis justice. As to humanity, it's essential to more take care within pregnancy period to wife or women. But such fact not valuable to past or present tense of human. Why ? Anyone explain it's. ! I think it's psychology of dominant male society effect.

To general views Sita's problematic life not digested. but such unhealthy facts is  healthy to certain groups of people's so society following without re-examine or re-observation to such issue. 

It's not any particular Religious fact because women always try for taking justice, in all world. So we all to need trying to express women's justice.

Wait Next blog please...

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Ancient Women's Life

Hello my friend..

I always write for giving justice, because many more people was & will be hidden by certain people for own profit. It's happening from ancient times in which many males and females also included but certain people was trying to write about unjustified hidden think & hidden people's. So I also try to spread new social view.
Now I don't explain about ancient culture but I try to explain ancient women's personal life like mental health, physical health & her fight against critical problems. That means here I write to Persona writing about special but more hidden personality.

1) Hidden Queen Sita 
   (Sita Devi/Mata) -
Ramayan is Hindu's religious book but at that time Sitayan also was write. And after time also many more times trying to express to Queen Sita still by new generation author also.
   But still now not people know or intentionally don't know to Queen Sita Devi. Reason is that, male psychology about female.

 Amish Tripathi

   Of the Immortals of Meluha fame, is known as “the fastest selling author in Indian publishing history", having sold over 3.5 million books with gross retail sales of over Rs 100 crore. Amish recently spoke to us about his new book, Sita, The Warrior Princess of Mithila, the second in his Ram Chandra series. He maintains that it’s a book told through the perspective of Sita, of her much overlooked trajectory that existed even before her marriage to Ram. In a way, he maintains that this is more of a Sitayana as it details the events that build up in Sita’s life until her abduction by Ravan.

I intentionally put up above explanation about big writer 'Amish Tripathi ' because you will make serious about such my subject & gets justice to women. 

Certain unexpected journey of Sita Devi as a following -

a) Enforcement of forest journey       (Punishment) to end of life  -

b) Pregnancy also not valuable -

c) Queen Sita Devi & Two baby's -

d) Immoral Accuses  -

e) Whats Duties of Husband ?

f) What get Devi from Marital life ? -

h) Justice to Sita Devi -

As above points I explain to my subject in detail one by one. It's not to against anyone but it's my try to give justice to women. Everyone have natural right to express of own problems. Healthy view essential for healthy society.

It's very important subject but again & again this subject intentionally pushed back. I again trying so support me.
I meet you in next blog.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Indian Culture & Women - 4

Hello my friend...😊😊

I continue from my last blog..

In under title of India culture & women, I was explain Polandry & Litterateur now here writ about Divided Women Psychology, Self Un-avear Women, Current Age & Women & My Conclusion etc sub- point I note down one by one as follow.....

In detail as follow -

3) Divided Women Psychology - 

  Unity is always strong weapon in every struggle but in women's not showing powerful unity still now. Because women's psychology is not unknown. Mother & Sisters not good communicate to eachother, Wife & Mother not understand to eachother. women's friendship also very exceptional good exist in society. 

Many women's are same problems but she not struggle by unity. then women-psychology divided in society & her fight again going to back foot.

4) Self Awareness - 

 Awareness is more essential. knowing only & awareness are both have different. Awareness have hidden inspiration to do something. but knowledg don't have any hidden inspiration. This is more essential fact for back foot of women in society.

5) New Age - 

    Ancient time & new age of society have thousands of changes exist, many more ways now open to doing new to women. Now women's take new & new achievement more than male's.

 Can it's sufficient for women's ? No because, I explain with similar example, Backward community in certain stages having developed but many people's still now struggle for Simple life in society then what about that ? Such community struggle with strong unity for self right & life. I think women's want to such like create biggest movement for self bright future.

6) My Conclusion - 

 'Old is gold' but modify gold is more better. Women's fight, right & sight all have need to modification as per own leave. 

    I telling you only in certain words,  

No one is capable to express her but she is more. Her need to self identified from her immunity.

Thanking you 

  I will meet you in next blog with new social problem.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Indian Culture & Women - 3

From my last blog....

Hello my friend, 

I explain now about ancient litterateur they are more effective to managed image of women in society.

In India, many religions and cultures are exist but in ordinary all litterateur of all religions are not truly give justice to women, so much more issues & problem's are existing in India to women.

a) No main role in ancient books -

  Much more books available but at ancient period  no main role provide to women in any litterateur by any religion, by any author. Because writings right was mostly only in male hands, As this reason also women going to back side from past time.

 Ex. - Quran, Ramayan etc.

b) Religion created by males hands

 This fact also directly or indirectly more empact to women's role in religious activities as well as in society. But this fact mostly untold by media or any other modes. Because now also, mostly higher authority is covered by male person's. So female were & are, indirectly going to back foot. Males not doing intentionally against female but this are make anciently habits.

It's very special & serious view but not valuable to flow of generation.

But now women's also make strong from education, & through constitutional rights in India. But still also target is very very long for women's to achieve equality.

 India is, was & always good but for every good things have important to self study & such re-study is want to essential for women's stability & dignity.

We all Frist & last also Indian....

Friday, August 14, 2020

Indian Culture & Women's -2

From last blog....

At last blog we discussed about two inhuman practice, connected with women's. Many more inhuman treatments exist in society but they all are mostly hide from new society.  I think history is essentials part to growth of future So I again & again trying to justify for healthy society & strong woman.

Now I explain next inhuman treatment, practice in which women totally collapse her life.

c) Polandry Marriage..

(One Wife but more husband's) -

     Now in current period, general people not imagine to such fact of multi-husband's. But women's faced & fight to such inhumanity. From ancient India to current India also. Now only outer surface are changed.-

    Example - Dropati or Panchali wife & Pandav (5 person's) husband.

It's ancient Indian culture but it's very inhuman treatment for women's health or her mentality. 

2) Religious Litterateur

 Directly or indirectly litterateur are effective upon all general people & their conduct also. From ancient times more people followed & attracted to certain thinking or litterateur. This litterateur or books means religious litterateur or books of religion they we are following now also but current law & education both are more powerful, respectful for new generation. 

  Now I explain one by one same essential litterateur or religious books those are more effective from long time upon all Humanity mostly in India.

    I explain about subject in next blog

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Indian Culture & Women - 1

Hello my friends....

Today's we discuss about Indian culture and women as per my previous blogs with sub-topic one by one because women is always colour full but her own colour don't be defined by society. I try to explain to unknown or unexpressed image of women.

    As per my knowledge I take following points 1 to 8 for example my subject.

1) Patriarchal Culture & Women - 

     We generally known about our Indian culture is mostly following Patriarchal system, that means male is taking more benifit than women at any stage in society. We perfectly don't know about when such patriarchal system was created. but it's definitely started from ancient times of india with certain community. 

    Now we discuss about Certain Immoral practice or act in ancient India ..

  a) Assignment practice -

      It's very very Immoral rules in which, inforced upon women's. for getting child from third person.      (Those Not husband ) without consent of women. 'As you imagine ? What happened when husband force to wife for sexual intercourse with third person' as reason for getting child ( Boy for race) only, because own child essential for next race. When husband any reason not capable for sex or birth of children in that time mostly assignment practice was activated. 

      Example - In Mahabharata Pandavas was special example before India people's. 

b) Sati Practice         -   It's also very inhuman practice those exist long period & pressurized to women in society this inhumanity stopped by Britishers. I don't explain in detail because more books, history also available for observation for its fact.

 In mostly all religions women don't have any truly respect, from ancient times. Because now in current age also women struggle to create self  respect in society.

Women challenges are never stopped, She again & again calling for justice.

..We counting next blog.....

English Translation -

नमस्कार माझ्या मित्रानो....


 आज आपण भारतीय संस्कृती आणि स्त्रियांबद्दल चर्चा करतो माझ्या आधीच्या ब्लॉग्जनुसार सब-विषयासह एकेक करून कारण स्त्रिया नेहमीच रंगत असतात परंतु तिचा स्वतःचा रंग समाजात परिभाषित केलेला नाही. मी स्त्रियांच्या अज्ञात किंवा अप्रचलित प्रतिमेचे स्पष्टीकरण देण्याचा प्रयत्न करतो.

 माझ्या माहितीनुसार मी खालील विषय 1 ते 8 घेतो उदाहरणार्थ माझा विषय.

 १) पुरुषप्रधान संस्कृती आणि महिला -

 आपल्या भारतीय संस्कृतीबद्दल आपल्याला सामान्यतः माहिती आहे की बहुतेक पुरुषप्रधान पध्दतीचे अनुसरण केले जाते, याचा अर्थ असा आहे की पुरुष समाजात कोणत्याही टप्प्यावर महिलांपेक्षा जास्त बेनिफिट घेत असतो. अशी पितृसत्ताक व्यवस्था कधी निर्माण झाली याबद्दल आम्हाला पूर्णपणे माहिती नाही. परंतु हे निश्चितपणे प्राचीन समुदायापासून विशिष्ट समुदायापासून सुरू झाले आहे.

 आता आपण प्राचीन भारतातील काही अनैतिक प्रथा किंवा कृती याबद्दल चर्चा करतो ..

 अ) असाइनमेंट सराव -

 हे खूपच अनैतिक नियम आहेत ज्यात स्त्रियांना सूचना दिली गेली. तिसर्‍या व्यक्तीकडून मूल होण्यासाठी. (ते पती नाहीत) स्त्रियांच्या संमतीशिवाय. 'तुम्ही कल्पना करता म्हणून? जेव्हा नवरा बायकोला तिसर्‍या व्यक्तीशी शारीरिक संबंध ठेवण्यास भाग पाडते तेव्हा काय घडले 'फक्त मुलासाठी (मुलासाठी रेस') कारण स्वतःच्या मुलाला पुढील वंशांसाठी आवश्यक आहे. जेव्हा नवरा जेव्हा कोणत्याही कारणास्तव लैंगिक संबंधात किंवा मुलांच्या जन्मास सक्षम नसतो तेव्हा बहुधा असाईनमेंट प्रॅक्टिस सक्रिय केली जाते.

 उदाहरण - महाभारतात पांडव हे भारतातील लोकांसमोरचे विशेष उदाहरण होते.


 ब) सती प्रथा - ही अतिशय अमानुष प्रथा आहे जी बर्‍याच काळापासून अस्तित्वात आहे आणि समाजातील स्त्रियांवर दबाव आणत आहे की ही अमानुषता ब्रिटिशांनी थांबविली. मी तपशीलवार स्पष्टीकरण देत नाही कारण अधिक पुस्तके, इतिहास देखील वस्तुस्थितीसाठी निरीक्षणासाठी उपलब्ध आहेत.


 बहुतेक सर्व धर्मांमध्ये पुरातन काळापासून स्त्रियांचा खरोखर आदर नसतो. कारण आताच्या युगातही स्त्रिया समाजात स्वाभिमान निर्माण करण्यासाठी संघर्ष करतात.

 महिला आव्हाने कधीच थांबत नाहीत, ती पुन्हा न्याय मागते.


 ..आम्ही पुढील ब्लॉग मोजत आहोत .....

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Indian Culture & Women

Hello Friends,

I again meet you with my another subject, Indian Culture & Women. I know such subject are thousands of times re-write by thousands of writter's but can you think about why such subject again & again will be present before society. Because it's essential for new generation with new sunrisers women in society.

  Now we discuss the above subject with following points.....

     1) Patriarchal Culture & Women

     2) Religious litterateur -

     3) Custom for women-

     4) Divided power's of women -

     5) Educational rights - 

     6) Self Study about self respect -

     7) Current Status of Women -

     8) My Conclusion - 

   This are same essential points for more information about my topic or subject of blog. 

It's my little introduction of subject I will meet you at next blog with my knowledge & think's.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Hidden Camera - 6

  Then we discusse as follows - 

4) Human Castes Can Immortal ?

   As per knowledge of human being we know that such sub topic have two sides, One is positive & Second side is Negative. 

   Positive means those side tell about human caste is chance to make immortal. Second is bess upon before conditions & existence, achievement of man & response of creation.

a) Positive Side - 

    Science & Technology is only one source in which we doing any special & create positivity as for immortal life to caste without it's not possible to fight unacceptable world.

b) Negative Side - 

   Special & great example is Corona & her powerful effect upon all Humanity & science Technology also. Before Virus or Corona effect, we miss understood about science Technology.  But now today know about our human beings knowledge & leave also.without technology it's not possible.

    Without science Technology one more chance also have possible but such have more little chance to success , that means magical event produced before all world like Content with other world or finding second earth in galaxy.

    But it's 99% we knowing it's not possible.

I again meet you within short period because I also love with blogger & writing it's.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Hidden Camera - 4

 From last blog..

   I am not against to any religion or not in favor but I always  more & more fa vor into humanity. Now mostly religions are fastly or slowly moved away from Humanity & equality. So I little try to save humanity with my blos. 

3) Science is healthy or unhealthy to human physiology of religious ? - 

   I know it's questions outlook is very simple but when we going to depth of serious ness we find following points.

    a) Science tell about death is permanent, why religius are not agreed it's. Certain group's of people are taking benifit of its. As such benifit effects our society seen more critical example like culpabl homicide, murder, rape etc. Mostly all criminal offence are directly or indirectly connected with Superstition that's means it's part of non acceptance of science by religious rules.

    b)  Science also said about birth but many religious fact are not agree for its. Then upon society's also indirectly effected.

Hidden Camera 3


 As count.from last page..

  We discussed about why religion is not made by the God or Creaters ? but it's have also another side, and such side also very important we discusse as follows..

 B) Why religion is man made factor - 

     If God's made the religion then why we the find differences between all religions. Like story, name, location, power of God, rules of religion, costume, & culture also.

     God is single then his religions  why differ from each other.? So it's made by only man. Because nature is always constant & man is mostly guilty. We not found any examples against science or natural rules but human being is untrusting nature. 

    People or group of people's ordinary same but not similar perfectly. So religion also made different with different colours, different shapes also. Varity is basic point of man made religion as per world. 

We will discuss next blog.....

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Hidden Camera 2


 From last page ......

2) Religion is God's made or

    Man made issue

      As for above subject many more philosophy are existing in world every philosophy is have own shadow So we generally faith upon our religion rules as for getting answer about God's & religion relationship. But such platform is not purely express it. Because when we to any one about her own house or families he mostly saying good faith about self family or about house.

      We clearly understood no one talk guilty about self or our family then in other side growing compitition to who's family? Who's relationship ? & Who's community or religion is. Good, great, or world's No. 1 as per sach traffic, compitition in all world Frist creat background & and after getting benifit, certain groups of people was create religion. ....

A) Why religion is not made by  the God or creaters ?..

    We all know, about human evolution starting process as per science rules and our human discretion sence also it's 99% is truth but remains  1% chance going to certain groups of people those create imagination, logical, facts and as about this fact & certain groups skills of playing psychological games to imotional minded people & get aim of established certain religion with own rules. And after time such rules declared by this skilled people's , this religion's rules are made by God .

    If religion was made by unknown power then -

a) Why religion's are unequal?

b) Why every religion is saying about  own merit & others demerits ?

c) Why all religion following 

    Self God's rules not ?

d) If all world is created by God then why God is divided into society .

      If anyone give me answer those above mentioned , I will trust upon religion was made by unknown power or God. But it's not possible we all know that.


Why Buddhism still not come back in India ?

Why Buddhism still not come back in India ?                                                                     - Synopsis - 1) Buddhism is ...